What assistance is there for hearing aids?

The Treatment Benefit Scheme is run by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (formerly the Department of Social Welfare) and provides Dental, Optical and Hearing Aid benefits to qualified people.

When you visit us, bring your PPS number and we should be able to check your eligibility on the spot.

Grants are available to insured workers, self employed people and retired people who have the required number of contributions. The Department will pay up to a maximum of €500 per hearing aid (or €1,000 for a pair of hearing aids) once every 4 years.

The Department will also pay up to a maximum of €200 toward hearing aid repairs over a period of 4 years.


The purchase of a hearing aid is a medical expense which can be claimed for on your annual tax return. You can get relief at the standard rate, currently 20%


If you wish to avail of the free hearing aid scheme on your medical card, you must go through their own system. This is usually accessed via your GP who will refer you to your local Health board.

There is usually a waiting list and you will be fitted with a standard Behind the ear product.