The hearing aid is just a part of the package
Some people think you can just buy a hearing aid and that’s it. It is much more complicated than that.
Every hearing aid we supply comes with a complete 3 or 4 year after care package, including batteries, filters replacement tips, hearing checks and updates.
Repair services
We can repair the majority or problems in your hearing aids in the shop, while you wait.
For some components, particularly on custom product we occasionally need to send them to our specialist workshop here in Dublin.
On rare occasions it is necessary to return the aids to the factory, if this happens we will make sure you have a loan hearing aid.
Continuing after sales care
Over the lifetime of your hearing aid, you will require ongoing maintenance.
You will need annual checkups, your hearing should be tested at least every 2 years, and you may require earwax removal or hearing aid cleaning. You might also need new filters or batteries.
These services are usually included for 4 years with the purchase of each hearing aid system.
Personal Service
For over 35 years, Dublin Hearing Centre has been providing hearing services to Dublins hard of hearing population. Set up by Gerry Kenny in 1984, our reputation has spread and today we attract customers from all over the country who have been recommended by friends and family. Our customers know we go the extra mile to provide the best service we can.
Around the same time, (1985) Brian started as a technician with Advance Hearing Aid Centre, on Aston Quay. Brian took over Dublin Hearing Centre in 2014 and then took over Advance Hearing Centre in 2017. In 2019 we merged all of the offices into one central location.
Brian, Louise and Susan are all well known to our clients, and will welcome you in for your free initial consultation.
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